About KeMajo
Medical Division
Electrical & Mini-Computer-Generated Models

Human Anatomical Models


Histology & Embryology Models

- CPR, Gynaecology, Obstetrics Nursing
- Pathology & Acupuncture
- Diagnostic & Tomographical Medicine
- Legal Medicine
- Internal Medicine
Biological Division
- Botanical Models
- Zoological Models
- Veterinary Models

Embedded Specimen

KeMaJo Limited
About KeMajo

KeMaJo Limited
The products of our company consist of more than 20 subjects namely, human anatomy, embryology, acupuncture, nursing, gynecology, forensic medicine, biology, surgery, clinical teaching, first aid, sex education, patient education, medical simulation, botany, microscopy, zoology, geology, embedded specimen, plasto-mounts and many more....
Our anatomical teaching models are of excellent quality achieving merit and recognition from many countries around the world. Majority of our products are exported to Europe, USA, South America, Asia, Africa and other parts of the world.
Our company’s motto: “Knowledge is power….is seeking truth,… the blossom of truth is finding wisdom
We believe that education is equality…is for all, not only for the priviledge one. There is only ONE EARTH. There should be no borders, no limitations.
Hence, KeMaJo was born to provide KNOWLEDGE for ALL!